Available Resources: Research Pages and Video Walk-Arounds

We want to ensure our clients have plenty of Park Place branded resources to assist them with their purchase before they even step foot in the store. Good news is that these resources are easily accessible for members to use as well. The Research Pages are a great resource for brand-specific information, specific make/model information, and store-level contact information and other updates. Our vehicle walkarounds can be found on the Park Place Dealerships Youtube channel. These videos are scripted by our Public Relations team and feature Steve Lagerstrom, who guides the viewer through a specific make/model.

So for example, if you have a client (or a member) who wants quick information on the Range Rover Sport,  you can send them a link to our walkaround of the Range Rover Sport on Youtube. and also a link to the Land Rover Research Page on ParkPlace.com.  See below for visual examples of each resource:

  1. Research Pages on ParkPlace.com

To access Research, go to the home page and under new cars, click ‘Research’.

On the Research Home Page, everything is “clickable,” so if you are looking for information on a specific brand, just click the manufacturer name below.


2. Vehicle Walk-Around Examples on Youtube.com/ParkPlaceDealerships 




2. Video Walkarounds on Youtube Featuring Steve Lagerstrom