The Power of a Lego

This past week, Park Place brought all of our team members together, with their guests, to celebrate our 35th anniversary.  Aligned with our core belief of Expressing Care and living with a genuine spirit of service, our team members chose to use the evening to align with Children’s Health, the leading pediatric health care system in North Texas by bringing toys and making donations to “Cape Day,” a fundraiser for patient and support services, research, and new equipment.

Our Park Place Family showed up in a big way.  Not only did they completely fill an extended-length Sprinter with toys and backpacks, but our members opened their hearts to show how much Park Place cares for others and our communities.

After the event, Tony Carimi, Park Place Dealerships Managing Director, received the note below from a member of our team, sharing the impact of how a single toy affects lives and creates real experiences.  Individually, we’re strong.  Together, we’re unstoppable.

I wanted to say that Park Place’s decision to collect toys for Children’s was very meaningful to me. 

When my 9-year-old daughter Julianne was in the hospital after her brain cancer diagnosis a little over a year ago, one of the bright points was when a social worker offered her a choice of toys that a generous person had donated. Julianne chose a Lego set that she began but had to abandon when her motor control deteriorated because of the tumor. Later, after radiation treatments, we were able to continue and finish the set. 

In November of 2021, Julianne passed away. But that toy donated anonymously was a bright spot at a difficult time that gave my girl some joy and pride. We still display that Lego set in our home.

I was overwhelmed to see all of the toys Park Place members had given at the 35th Anniversary party for kids at Children’s Health. A whole van full! Believe me, they will cause a lot of happiness for some sweet kids who need something to smile about. I loved the opportunity to bring a Lego set to donate in honor of my daughter.

Kurt Rongey
Sales Experience Manager, Park Place Volvo

Extra Girly Service Technician– Citlali Reyes

Citlali Reyes, 23, has been a technician at Park Place Motorcars Arlington for four years. But if you were to see her outside of the dealership, you would never guess her profession.

“I’m extra girly,” she proclaims. “I’ve always loved working on cars. I find it amusing how I love makeup, nails, heels, and all the typical girly things so much. On the same note though, I’m a high flagging, efficient technician that has committed the hours, blood, sweat, and tears to get where I am currently.”

Citlali was born in Denver but moved to Texas with her parents in 2012 and graduated from Irving’s MacArthur High School before finishing at UTI Dallas in 2018.

“My first impression when I came to Park Place was how luxurious the entire dealership is in all departments, from sales and service to parts, the client waiting area, and our shop.”

When not at work, Citlali manages a small apparel business and is co-owner of a small business in the custom truck scene. She’s also currently in the process of becoming a licensed nail technician.

When asked what advice she would give someone just starting out, she responded, “Advancement is simple. Just keep your long-term goal in clear sight and make small steps towards the big picture.”

Lexus Plano Service Director: Rod Moreno – Woodworking Expert

Rod Moreno, Service Director at Lexus Plano, has been with Park Place for 22 years. He started as a Sales Assistant/Porter at Lexus Grapevine.

“It was the most luxurious dealership I’d ever seen,” he said. “I was an ASM at Lexus Grapevine when they told us we would be applying for the Malcolm Baldrige award. I had never heard of the award. It didn’t really hit home until we spent months and months preparing and executing our processes. Then we won, and all the hard work paid off.”

In addition to being an expert in the service department, Rod is also a very talented woodworker.

“I love woodworking!” he explained. “I converted my two-car garage into a shop. I’ve always had an interest dating back to middle school woodworking class. I enjoy building any project that my wife and daughters will love… dollhouses, play kitchens, barn doors, nightstands, etc.”

Born and raised in Fort Worth, he graduated from Southwest High School in 1996 and attended two years of college while working at a Fort Worth Lexus dealership.

“I live in Trophy Club with my wife Reagan and our three daughters Sylvie (11), Natalie (8), and Dylan (5). I am an only child. My mom said I was too bad for her to have more.”

When asked what advice he would give to someone just starting at Park Place, he answered, “Patience. Have patience when you are trying to grow in a company. Make yourself the obvious choice when the opportunity presents itself.”

Dan Le, The Unexpected IT Expert

You could say Dan Le’s path to becoming an IT Tier III Engineer for Park Place Dealerships was a long and winding road. It started in 1975 when he was only 9 years old and he immigrated to the U.S. from Vietnam. Dan is quick to thank all the Vietnam veterans who helped his family relocate.

After graduating from Carrollton’s R. L. Turner High School in 1984, he went straight to Universal Technical Institute (UTI) in Houston. Afterward, he was hired as a service technician at a Mercedes-Benz dealership on Oak Lawn in Dallas that would become Park Place’s first dealership.

“At 19 and working for a well-known Mercedes-Benz dealership was a dream came true,” said Dan. “I worked as a technician for two years, then became a service dispatcher, where I helped with a variety of functions related to IT support, including phone system administrator and installation, tech payroll, and ADP program setup. During this time, the company had yet to integrate computers or even email into its processes.”

“ADP installed a hand-full of green screens throughout the dealership to improve car flow,” he explained. “It was hard for some people to trust the automated features of managing car flow. But it was easy for me to understand so I helped train others. During this period, we had several ADP systems upgrades. I became Park Place’s local ADP support.”

As technology was rapidly progressing, Le was able to demonstrate how the technology could have a positive impact throughout the organization.

“Within 10 years, ADP installed our first Cisco network infrastructure. Shortly after, Mercedes-Benz asked Park Place to be one of their test dealerships to implement the new NetStar Mercedes-Benz system. I worked alongside Mercedes’ NetStar team on a full-blown WAN network infrastructure between all our dealerships. Porsche deployed their own system and I got involved. Soon after, Lexus deployed their Dealer Daily system. Basically, every brand we have represented, I helped introduce their system into our dealerships and have worked in IT at Park Place ever since.”

Dan and his wife of 28 years live in Highland Village. Their daughter Liz lives in Vista, California and their son Nathen is a senior at Texas A&M.

Dan’s advice to someone just starting out? “Treat everyone with kindness and respect. Believe in yourself and work hard, even when no one is looking.”

2021 Member of the Year Winners

Since its founding in 1987, Park Place has remained devoted to creating an exceptional automotive purchase and ownership experience.  From numerous manufacturer and industry accolades to becoming the first-ever dealerships to be awarded the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, Park Place Dealerships has created a culture of excellence that endures.  

“We have repeatedly evolved to stay at the forefront of the automotive industry. We want to highlight who we have been, who we are, and who we are becoming.” Tony Carimi, Park Place Dealerships Managing Director

Our purpose is “To create and province extraordinary experiences.” The core values help build and redefine the company’s brand:

Drawing on our experience to actively innovate with optimism and determination.

Leading by example with integrity and always doing the right thing.

Expressing Care
Respecting our team members, clients and community with a genuine spirit of serving.

Taking ownership, anticipating needs and exceeding expectations.

Every year the company recognizes members who have gone above and beyond to create extraordinary ownership experiences every day. Our members are truly the X factor in Experts in Excellence.

Below is the 2021 Member of the Year Winners

Congratulations to our Managing Director- Tony Carimi!

Park Place Managing Director Tony Carimi has been named one of Dallas’ Top 500 leaders by D CEO magazine. Now in its seventh year, the annual publication is the culmination of six months of research by the editors of D CEO and includes 197 new names to the revered list which include Mark Cuban and George W. Bush. 

Along with their toughest challenges and strategies for success, leaders shared what they order at their favorite restaurants, their hobbies, passions, and what they’d choose as their walk-up song. Tony highlighted the amazing Members who come to Park Place every day to serve clients and the community. Congratulations, Tony! 

See below to read Tony’s full interview, which was featured in the D CEO December issue and contributed to the choosing of being in the 500 leaders by D Ceo. 

2022 Dallas 500 Interview Q&A

  1. What was your first job, and what did you learn from it?
    •  Working for my grandfather’s oil distributorship in Odessa, TX.  He provided a front-row example showcasing the value of a client, the importance of relationships, and hard work.  
  2. What piece of advice has had the most significant impact on your career?
    •   “Seek humility before humility finds you.”  It is critical to understand your own capabilities in relation to others and the situations that you face.  Always surround yourself with passionate talent and leverage the group to evolve your organization while ensuring that the experience for your team members and clients that you serve remain the driving force.
  3. If you could have dinner with any two DFW business leaders, who would you choose and why?
    • Carl Sewell and Ken Schnitzer. In my 27-year career in the automotive industry, I have had the honor to work for and learn from two of the best.  Not just leaders in automotive but retail as a whole.  As time has progressed, you recognize the value of mentors and the importance of healthy competition that continues to push you and your team to enhance the experience.  In the end, your team and the consumers are the ones that benefit.  
  4. What are some of your favorite destinations/places to visit?
    • It is hard to beat Aspen in the summertime.  New York City also holds a very special place.  
  5. Is there a nonprofit cause that has special meaning to you? Please tell us about it.
    • Through Park Place Cares, we are able to provide a dynamic outreach program that supports over 250 organizations throughout the DFW area.  We provide all of our team members 5-days of paid volunteer time every year to support Arts, Medical Research, Advocacy, and Education.  We must pursue the highest standards of corporate responsibility in everything that we do by supporting and empowering our teams to improve the quality of life in the communities where we do business.       
  6. If you could give your favorite person any gift this year, what would it be and why?
    • Time and presence.  As we continue to mature, we recognize the true commodities of value to others and ourselves.  
  7. What’s your hobby/passion?
    • I love to run and exercise.  The “think” and recharge time is imperative. 
  8. What is your favorite DFW-area restaurant and what do you order there?
    • Homewood – Matt McAllister and his team do such an amazing and creative job utilizing quality ingredients while maximizing flavors and textures.   
  9.  What would people be surprised to learn about you (fun fact)?
    • I was a member of the Singing Cadets during my time at Texas A&M University  
  10. If you could drive one car for a day, what would it be and why?
    • That is the easiest question of all.  It would be a Park Place vehicle.  The badge stands for luxury and excellence which is exemplified in all of the brands that we serve.  
  11. What’s the toughest business challenge you’ve had to overcome?
    • Navigating the ever-changing challenges of the pandemic while working to ensure the safety of our team members and clients is always at the forefront of all the decisions that are being made. 
  12. What has been your/your company’s most significant success over the last 12 months?
    • Seeing Park Place’s team members unite and build a home in partnership with Habitat for Humanity.  This was Park Place Cares largest organizationally-combined initiative in our 34-year history.  We pursue the highest standards of corporate responsibility in everything that we do – and that includes supporting and empowering our team members to improve the quality of life in the communities in which we do business.     
  13. What is the most interesting trend you’re seeing in your industry? What’s driving it, and how does it impact your company?
    • Electrification.  In the emerging market of electric and hybrid automobiles, manufacturers that Park Place represent are rolling out new vehicles which capture the cutting edge of this rapidly evolving technology which will define the future of the automotive industry.   
  14. What is one thing you would change about Dallas to make it even better?
    • As Dallas continues to attract top companies and talent, we must ensure that we provide the necessary resources and strategy to focus on the development and education of our children.  Our public education system needs to match and be reflective of the nation-leading business environment that we have created.  
  15. As you enter your office, what would you choose to be your walk-up or theme song and why?
    • Don’t Stop Believing – Journey.  Every day brings opportunity and challenges.  The key is to have a clear focus on your purpose and values while owning the responsibility that you have to those that you serve. 
  16. What is one book you think everyone should read (or podcast everyone should listen to) and why?
    • Start With Why – Simon Sinek.  His comment of, “What if we showed up to work every single day to be better than ourselves?  For no better reason than to want to leave the organization in a better state than we found it?”  We must all be responsible stewards of our business.  The Park Place legacy is bigger than any individual and our leaders all understand the importance of protecting and evolving that legacy. 
  17. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?
    • Allowing our leaders to take risks.  It was hard to let go and understand the possibilities and growth that is attained when you allow your team to try new things and new processes.  True growth does not come without failure and learning.  That failure is what creates improvement and innovation.
  18. Name one item on your bucket list.
    • To have the ability to experience and be a part of my daughters attaining their personal and professional dreams.  Their display of their servant heart in life and in their fields of Healthcare and Education provides a sense of pride that could not be duplicated by any other experience. 
  19. What has you most excited about the future?
    • Watching the growth of our teams and the individual accomplishments that are both personal and professional that our members achieve.  The legacy of Park Place is relationship-based.  Though trends, products, and technology will change, keeping focused on the fact that we are in the people business will ensure that Park Place is positioned for success for many years to come. 

Spotlight on Rutilio Anguiano

Rooty, as he’s known by his teammates, is a humble man. He’d rather talk about his co-workers than himself.

His teammates describe Rutilio as one of the most likable guys, and say, he goes out of his way to greet everyone with a smile. They describe him as a team player and a delight to work with every day. 

Bryan Martin, his supervisor, says. Rutilio is the ideal employee. He’s a pillar of integrity. Always has a positive attitude and is never late. That says a lot about a man who starts work every day at 7 a.m.

Rutilio joined Lexus Plano in 2009 as a car washer, and he loves his job. I love my team, he says. And, more than anything, I love my schedule. While he comes in at 7, he also leaves at 4 p.m.

When he’s not working, you might find him taking care of one of his kid’s cars. Rooty is married with three children: a son 27; and two daughters – 23 and 21. He likes to ride his bicycle and watch football (the Dallas Cowboys of course) and boxing.

He says Park Place is a good place to work. There are lots of opportunities for anyone who wants to grow.

Spotlight on Matt Overs: Technical Advisory Board Chairman

Although he was born in a small town outside of Philadelphia, Matt Overs considers himself a full-on Texan!! His family actually had a big influence on him. Most of his family has been in the automotive industry since he could remember. Particularly, his family has been in repair shops, which is why working at a repair shop came naturally to him. Before coming to Park Place, he used to work as a technician at a repair shop called Christian Brothers. He heard about Park Place when he was in high school. It was through an outreach program that Park Place had at the time. I guess Park Place stuck with him because he has been with the company for 10 years.

Matt has had various roles at Park Place. He started as a technician and stayed in this role for two and a half years. Then, he was a technician leader for three years. After that, he became a shop foreman, which he has lasted 5 years in. One of the things he enjoys the most about being a shop foreman is being able to develop his own strategies to fix a problem. Recently, Matt has become chairman of the Technical Advisory Board. Being a part of the Technical Advisory Board means providing insights on the strategies that help contribute to solving problems. “It is satisfying when you can find the hard problem, and you can actually fix it,” he says.

Career growth has always been in his vision. Maybe in the future, he hopes the company opens an executive position as a technician director. He says, “One of the biggest challenges we face is the integration of full-electric vehicles into traditional workshop equipment and repair processes. I think the company would benefit from an executive-level position that oversees technical directives.”

A great moment he experienced within Park Place is being Coach of the Year in 2016. This moment was so dear to him because you have to be voted to become Coach of the Year. “It is not easy to impress your peers,” he adds on.

Although he says he is an introvert, he has an adventurous side to him. He has a passion for mountain biking. Especially, anything with two wheels. He has a dirt bike and a street bike. A fun fact is that he takes a yearly trip to Colorado. He loves going to a place called The Chicago Basin in Colorado. When he is there, he enjoys his time mountain biking, rafting, and hiking.

One advice he would give a new hire is “Everybody is approachable, so ask questions.” He brags about the Park Place culture. “Park Place has worked a culture of members helping each other.” He truly believes that you have the power to solve problems. His quote to others would be “Listen First.”                    

Seantrel Sloan: Porsche Dallas Technician Wins Awards For Restoration in Porsche Challenge


Park Place Porsche Dallas technician Seantrel Sloan, 26, recently completed a year-long restoration of a 1990 Porsche 911 Carrera 4 Targa, one of only 1,500 Targa 964s in existence. The rare sportscar (number 90) was restored as a tribute to the family’s father, who was only the second owner of the vehicle.

When the client asked Park Place to help restore the car, no one imagined it would be chosen as the top restoration in the Area, then the best in the Porsche Cars of North America South Region. Sloan and the car traveled to Indianapolis for the Porsche Sportscar Together Festival September 10 – 12, where his work finished as one of the top three cars in the country in the Porsche Classic Restoration Challenge national championship.

“I’m proud and honored to represent the brand,” said Sloan. “The skills and training I got from Park Place prepared me to do the quality of work I put into the car.”

For nearly 20 years, the 911 Carrera 4 Targa had been stored in a garage. When the car arrived at Park Place Porsche it had vacuum leaks, multiple oil leaks, aged rubber hoses, fouled spark plugs, and carbon tracked distributor caps and rotors. All of these were replaced and updated, along with new cylinders, machining the cylinder heads, replacing the radio with a new Porsche Classic Communication Management system (PCCM), paint correction, and some interior restoration.

“We were given the opportunity to participate in the Porsche Classic Challenge with our client’s 911 C4 Targa in Dunkleblau – ‘Dark Blue’ in English,” said Porsche Dallas General Manager Patrick Huston. “Being able to feel the performance during its first test drive, compared to how the car would barely move when we first received it, was well worth our efforts to make the car like new again.”

One of the biggest challenges of the restoration was sourcing parts for the 30-year-old sports car. The competition required all parts to be original manufacturer’s parts. Porsche Dallas Parts Specialist Keith Jones rose to the challenge, literally tracking down parts from all over the world. Shop Foreman Steven Taylor helped keep the project on track and even helped Sloan mount the engine back into the car.

The 2021 Porsche Classic Restoration Challenge saw nearly 40 dealerships from around the U.S. take part by giving Porsche sports cars expert attention. Teams of certified Porsche Technicians and the official catalog of 60,000 unique Porsche Classic Genuine Parts were enlisted to return the cars to their former glory. Represented in the competition were Porsche 356 models from as early as 1956, five generations of the 911, transaxle models like the 944 and 928, as well as modern classics such as the first-generation Boxster. After months of diligent work, documentation, and check-ins, cars judged to be regional winners moved on to compete in the August semifinals in each of the three U.S. Porsche sales areas. 

Sloan’s love of the Porsche brand began when he was just eight years old. “My grandfather bought me the “Need for Speed” video game dedicated to Porsches. I learned everything about every car in the game. And I fell in love with the brand…the heritage…the tradition. Every single car that I’ve touched in the shop, I’ve driven in the game. And now I’ve had the opportunity to drive those cars with my own two hands and feet. To be a Porsche Classic Tech, and keep these cars on the road today, is an honor.”

Sloan grew up in Dallas, graduating in 2013 from Duncanville High School. He worked as a car washer/valet at Park Place while attending UTI Universal Technical Institute (UTI) in Irving to receive his automotive technician certification, graduating in 2014. Then he served two years of active duty in the U.S. Army, most of which was in Pyeongtaek, South Korea as a petroleum specialist for aviation and ground vehicles. After being honorably discharged as a Specialist E-4, he returned to work at Park Place Porsche Dallas as a technician. He currently lives in Lancaster, Texas.

Park Place Porsche Dallas, one of only two Porsche Exclusive dealers in Texas, is located at 6107 Lemmon Avenue near Love Field. The dealership has been honored as a Porsche Premier Dealer 20 times by Porsche Cars North America.

Park Place Dealerships was founded in 1987. For the past 34 years, the company has been engaged in the community through its support of the arts, medical research, children’s advocacy, and education. Park Place Dealerships employs more than 1,400 members and operates two collision centers, an auto auction, and eight full-service dealerships representing luxury brands including Lexus, Mercedes-Benz, Porsche, Volvo, Jaguar, Land Rover, and Sprinter Vans. For more info, visit

Kendall Richards Leads Veterans on Their Last Ride

JLR SEM Kendall Richards swore he’d never go into the car business. “My dad owned a VW Audi dealership, and I wanted nothing to do with the family business,” he said.

After graduating from Hillcrest High in 1980, Kendall got his undergraduate degree at Stephen F. Austin. Then he enlisted in the U.S. Air Force, where he spent seven years as an air traffic controller, the last three as an instructor.

“I served on the Honor Guard at Keesler AFB in Biloxi, Mississippi,” he said. “It was a very special duty, but I thought I was done with that part of my life when I got out.”

While in the Air Force, Kendall got his MBA from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. After working in IT at EDS, he moved into the mortgage banking business until the economic bust of 2008, when a friend suggested he consider Lexus Plano.

“I can do this for a while until something else comes along,” he thought. He steadily rose up the ranks from Sales Consultant to Internet Sales, Finance Director to New Car and Pre-Owned Sales Manager before moving to JLR a year ago.“

A friend’s dad knew I liked to ride my Harley, and he asked if I’d be interested in joining the Patriot Guard Riders,” explained Kendall. The Patriot Guard Riders is a volunteer nonprofit that ensures dignity and respect at memorial services honoring fallen active duty military, first responders and honorable discharged veterans.

“I was hooked from the first mission!” he said. “The majority of our rides are at DFW National Cemetery, but this one was a service for a 95-year-old World War II vet at a little country cemetery in Savoy, Texas. When his kids and grandkids got up and spoke, it made me want to be a better dad, grandfather and friend.

For the past year, Tuesdays have been Kendall’s day off. “The ride captain leads the mission,” he concluded. “I’m the first guy they call for a Tuesday funeral.” And that’s just the way he wants it.